20 research outputs found

    Innovation Performance in Poland and Polish Companies

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    The goal of this paper is to analyse the current innovation situation of Poland's economy and Polish companies in comparison to EU countries. The article presents also results of survey on investing in innovations in large Polish companies.Wciąż najbardziej innowacyjnymi przedsiębiorstwami w Polsce są duże przedsiębiorstwa, co wynikać może przede wszystkim ze znacznej ilości środków finansowych na tego typu działania. Niemniej jednak, to właśnie sektor MSP jest sektorem dominującym w polskiej gospodarce i to właśnie jego aktywność innowacyjną powinno się pobudzać

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Research of the impact of consolidation on the strength of gyttja from Międzyrzecz

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    The geotechnical characteristic of organic soils from Szczecinek

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    Artykuł zawiera wyniki laboratoryjnych badań charakteryzujących organiczne grunty jeziorne ze Szczecinka. Na podstawie analizy stwierdzono niekorzystne parametry badanych próbek torfu, gytii wapiennej i kredy jeziornej. Grunty nie są przydatne jako podłoże do bezpośredniego posadowienia obiektów inżynieryjnych.Organic soils are characterized by disadvantageous geotechnical parameters are numbered to so called weak soils. Lake marl, gyttja and peat show great physically mechanical differentiation according to the kind and content of mineral and organical elements. In connection with great variability of examined soils, generalizations are possible only for selected areas of their occurrence. The present article shows the geotechnical characteristic of carbonate sediments originated from Szczecinek

    Research on the effect of cyclic loading on gyttja compressibility

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ściśliwości gytii wapiennej z Międzyrzecza, poddanej obciążeniom cyklicznym w edometrze. Badania pozwoliły na ustalenie zależności korelacyjnych między odkształceniami oraz wartością modułów ściśliwości a ilością cykli obciążeń.The article presents the results of the research on the compressibility of calcareous gyttja from the region of Międzyrzecz that was subjected to cyclic loading in oedometer. The research made it possible to determine correlations that exist among strains, the compressibility module value and the number of loading cycles

    Variation of geotechnical parameters of cohesive soils in south-western Poland

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    Zróżnicowanie parametrów geotechnicznych gruntów spoistych południowo-zachodniej Polski. Podstawą w projektowaniu konstrukcji inżynierskiej lub jej elementów jest znajomość podłoża gruntowego, w szczególności jego parametrów geotechnicznych. Przedstawione opracowanie ma charakter analizy zmienności regionalnej parametrów geotechnicznych gruntów ilastych południowo-zachodniej Polski, pod względem stratygraficznym zaliczonych do utworów neogeńskich. W publikacji wykorzystano bieżące badania własne uzupełnione o archiwalne badania próbek gruntów ilastych pochodzących z Legnicy i Głogowa. Wyniki badań opracowano statystycznie oraz przedstawiono w formie tabelarycznej.Variation of geotechnical parameters of cohesive soils in south-western Poland. The basis for the design of engineering structure or its elements is knowledge of the subsoil, in particular its geotechnical parameters. The study is a regional analysis of the variability of geotechnical parameters of clay soil of south-western Poland, stratigraphically classified as Neogene formation. The publication uses the author’s own study complemented by archival research of clay soil samples from Legnica and Głogów. The test results were statistically analyzed and presented in tabular form

    Genetic profile of the oldest Picea abies (L.) Karst. trees in the Białowieza Primeval Forest

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    The aim of this study was to: 1) describe the genetic structure of the population of old Picea abies trees in the Białowieża Primeval Forest and 2) design the genetic database for every examined tree in scope of 26 isoenzymatic loci containing: the genotype pattern, the number of stated alleles and the level of individual heterozygosity. We found that 101 out of 117 trees are characterized by a unique genotype pattern and 20 ones are completely homozygous individuals. The oldest Norway spruces in the Białowieża Primeval Forest are characterized by rather low level of genetic variation and their homozygous genotypes that are well adapted to their environment let them live to a ripe old age

    Clinical practices to promote sleep in the ICU:A multinational survey

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    Purpose: To describe sleep assessment and strategies to promote sleep in adult ICUs in ten countries. Methods: Multicenter, self-administered survey sent to nurse managers. Results: Response rate was 66% with 522 ICUs providing data. ‘Lying quietly with closed eyes’ was the characteristic most frequently perceived as indicative of sleep by >60% of responding ICUs in all countries except Italy. Few ICUs (9%) had a protocol for sleep management or used sleep questionnaires (1%). Compared to ICUs in Northern Europe, those in central Europe were more likely to have a sleep promoting protocol (p < 0.001), and to want to implement a protocol (p < 0.001). In >80% of responding ICUs, the most common non-pharmacological sleep-promoting interventions were reducing ICU staff noise, light, and nurse interventions at night; only 18% used earplugs frequently. Approximately 50% of ICUs reported sleep medication selection and assessment of effect were performed by physicians and nurses collaboratively. A multivariable model identified perceived nursing influence on sleep decision-making was associated with asking patients or family about sleep preferences (p = 0.004). Conclusions: We found variation in sleep promotion interventions across European regions with few ICUs using sleep assessment questionnaires or sleep promoting protocols. However, many ICUs perceive implementation of sleep protocols important, particularly those in central Europe

    Clinical practices to promote sleep in the ICU: A multinational survey

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    Purpose: To describe sleep assessment and strategies to promote sleep in adult ICUs in ten countries. Methods: Multicenter, self-administered survey sent to nurse managers. Results: Response rate was 66% with 522 ICUs providing data. ‘Lying quietly with closed eyes’ was the characteristic most frequently perceived as indicative of sleep by &gt;60% of responding ICUs in all countries except Italy. Few ICUs (9%) had a protocol for sleep management or used sleep questionnaires (1%). Compared to ICUs in Northern Europe, those in central Europe were more likely to have a sleep promoting protocol (p &lt; 0.001), and to want to implement a protocol (p &lt; 0.001). In &gt;80% of responding ICUs, the most common non-pharmacological sleep-promoting interventions were reducing ICU staff noise, light, and nurse interventions at night; only 18% used earplugs frequently. Approximately 50% of ICUs reported sleep medication selection and assessment of effect were performed by physicians and nurses collaboratively. A multivariable model identified perceived nursing influence on sleep decision-making was associated with asking patients or family about sleep preferences (p = 0.004). Conclusions: We found variation in sleep promotion interventions across European regions with few ICUs using sleep assessment questionnaires or sleep promoting protocols. However, many ICUs perceive implementation of sleep protocols important, particularly those in central Europe. © 2018 Elsevier Lt